Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Say Your Prayers by Matthew Byrne

In the name of the father, and of the son,
and of the holy spirit on the rocks, slightly

dirty, a twist of virgin with a bun in the oven.

In the name of the father, and of the son,

and of the holy spirit in the sky, where I’m
gonna go when I die, provided I have done
enough contrite acting, having said one
more Hail Mary than my number of sins.
In the name of the father, and of the son,
and of the holy ghost, the kind of apparition
that won’t linger in the attic of your home
it once inhabited, mistaking you for some
Judas Iscariot from its past, having chosen
to spend its afterlife making mysterious
scraping sounds.  In the name of the father,
not the mother, but definitely the son,
not the daughter, nor Mary Magdalene,
who god forbid might’ve made the son come
to realize that taking a little break from
saving mankind does wonders for the skin,
skin which is curiously Anglo Saxon
in most depictions despite its Arab origin.
Let us not forget to end this crucifixion
tribute with the left-to-right shoulder tap
of the holy spirit, the crossbar, the horizon.

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