Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Death Clouds by C.L. Snyder

The storm dances closer, looming, zooming in, I have no where to go.
The whirlwind whispers my name like a voice in the shadows of your closet.
Hot white claws shred a path to me.
I’m breathless in a flurry of movement surrounding me, pulling my clothes, my hair, and my strength along with the whole of the Earth to this beast.
It booms with each inch gained, a thunder drum sounding my death to all.
With ravenous hunger it descends.
Grey furry turning a head-spinning circle round and round as a chours of my name chains me in place.
I’m bathed in bright red drops staining me, weighing me down into its nothingness.
In another place I hear the anguish cry of my former love.
In this place I hear the faint sirens of the Calvary that will arrive in vein.
In this place I smell the blood as it mixes with the lavender water.
And here,
In this place,
I feel the prick of the razor as it settles down against my skin, beneath the crimson water.


  1. not gonna lie... kinda creeped me out, Good work.

  2. Some damn amazing talent you have there... as always.
    Now get some sleep!
