Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Cat We Killed by Mike Perkins

we saw the cat today
by the side of the road
not far from where
we saw it three days before
when we took a walk

the first time
it was a diminutive yellow tabby
meowing nervously
in the ditch
I made up all the excuses
of why we couldn't take it home
knowing at the time
I was wrong

somebody dumped that cat off
it happens every year
when the students come back
with cute kiddies
or adorable puppies
that land lords wont abide
so they leave them
alongside the road
to die

I will go fetch the body
bury that cat
which should have come here
not as a corpse
but as a guest
and you my friend
who left it there
will reap what you sow
when that bad karma comes around
and kicks your ass

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