Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Creature by David Frazier

It weighed eight pounds had eight tails
Eight rows of sharp teeth
Eight red eyes
Face and body pile of goop
Shades of green, black, and blue

Hairy creature
Moved silently, on eight legs, blinding streak
Ran under a table
Zipped under a sofa
It ran up

Under my bed
Eyes looking back
From the dark abyss
Teeth gnashing
Little buzz saws

Whirring, buzzing, moving through wood
Stuck in a broom handle
Poking the creature
Drew back a wood stub
Ground down pencil
Pointed end dulled

Still red eyes stare
Time for bed, do I dare?
He'll not stir
Let me sleep

I mounted bed
Turned off lights
No bounce, nor rolling
Slow movements
Breathing slowly, each breath

Water I crave
Across the room
Red eyes staring
Teeth grinding begins
Grunting terrible sounds
Do I put my feet on the floor?

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